Farmers Supplying Farmers

Grain Loyalty Program

We are excited to release our new Grain Loyalty Program to all of our customers across Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan.

Each super B load worth of grain sold to Knight Seeds since January 01, 2020 builds a credit towards eligible products.  Credits are transferrable between accounts that farm together.

1 load = $100 credit
(max $500 per unit)

  • Meridian SmoothWall Bins

    Meridian Augers

    Reliabelt Conveyors

    Convey-All Conveyors

    Farm King Augers

  • Bare augers, utility augers, fuel tanks, aeration fans, socks, and transitions are not eligible for this program. Certain small – sized bins, aged equipment, and used bins also do not count.  Although appreciated, seed orders do not qualify towards program at this time.

  • If I’ve sold seven loads to you, do I just get a total of $500 off an item?

    You would get $500 off an item plus an additional $200 towards any future purchases.

    If I sold you three triaxle loads, does that count as $300 off in credits?

    Not quite as we convert everything into 43 MT Super B loads.  This way a tandem or triaxle load doesn’t count for the same discount as a semi-load does.

    When you say certain small-sized bins do not count, do GM3000's fall in that category?

    GM3000's count in this program.  We are referring to smaller feed and MP bins that are half the cost of the GM3000's.

Grain handled this year

yellow peas

The majority of our peas move into the protein isolate market in Manitoba. We also supply petfood and cover crop markets in the U.S as well as some lower volume contracts across Western Canada.

fall rye

We supply a number of U.S customers in the fall rye cover crop market with conventional varieties. We also ship into some milling markets which take both conventional and hybrid rye.


We contract black oil sunflowers to various bird seed companies in Western Canada and the northern U.S. Most are bagged orders with some being bulk.


We have an ongoing agreement for a number of loads each week to go into the domestic hog industry. More recently, we have been shipping loads into the U.S petfood markets, as well as into various feedlots.


We have been supplying domestic milling markets on a regular basis. We also have significant quantities entering the cover crop markets in the U.S, China, and South Korea.


Aside from these commodities listed above, this year we have also marketed soybeans, canola, corn, millet, wheat, and flax.

Eligible items and program details subject to change.